Friday Funday, Mar 26, 2021
Back by popular demand, our classic phad-thai served with shrimp, veggies and rice noodles in a soy-peanut sauce with select garnishes. Comes with a ginger slaw & sweet chili edamame pods.
- 1 bag veggies
- 1 bag noodles
- 1 bag shrimp
- 1 egg
- 1 conatiner soy-peanut sauce
- 1 lime
- 1 baggie cilantro
- 1 baggie chopped peanuts
- 1 container slaw
- 1 container dressing
- 1 container edamame
- 1 container sweet chile sauce
- Heat a 1/4 cup water to boiling in a saute pan, add edamame, cover and steam for 4-5 minutes. Alternatively they can be steamed with a tabespoon or two of water in a covered microwave safe dish for 3-4 minutes.
- Sweet chile sauce can be served cold or warmed in a sauce pan or in the microwave if preferred.
- What kind of pan do you have? If you have non-stick add your oil before heating the pan, if you have stainless you should add the oil after the pan is hot, in this case the pan should bead up and sizzle a drop of water before you add it. Heat a large fry pan or wok over medium high heat with 1-2 tablespoons of oil. Add shrimp and veggies and cook for a couple minutes until shrimp is seared and pink throughout and 145 degrees and veggies are caramelized but still crisp. Push this mixture off to the side of the pan, if room, or remove from the pan. Beat your egg in a bowl, add a little more oil to the pan and scramble and break up into small pieces. Next add noodles and sauce and saute together with veggie and shrimp until everything is heated through. This is a lot of food, if your pan isn't big enough you can tranfer the shrimp and veggies to a soup pot after sauteeing when you need to add the noodles and sauce.
- Toss slaw with dressing.
- Roughly chop the ciliantro if desired.
- Edamame and chili sauce can be served as an appetizer, or alongside the meal.
- Pad Thai should be served on a dinner plate. Garnish with cilantro, peanuts and a slice of lime.
- Slaw can be served in small bowls or on small plates on the side.